Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day Seven: I’m Happy Because! Because!

It turns out that I complain a lot – mostly in my head when I’m moving about the house cleaning up or thinking about some situation. I spend a lot of time blaming and complaining. Ever feel tired, dreary and exhausted and wonder why? Spend the day complaining and you’ll find out!

Remedy?  Gratitude! And, taking responsibility. I’m going with gratitude expressing right now.
How? A wonderful practice: List 100 Things You Are Grateful for.

Well…here’s a start…
·      The color purple
·      little girl giggles
·      dogs who love to play fetch
·      the color organge
·      Trees
·      Bees
·      oranges
·      my mom
·      my dad
·      my sister
·      my brother
·      people who wait patiently behind me in traffic when I don't see the light is green