Truth be told, I’d rather be writing a humorous article about how I feel we must be the “bummer” house on the block for Halloween as we hand out Pretzels & Halloween Pencils! Yay! But, there’s more light to be thrown on today…
Today I experienced “if you’re not doing it my way, I am going to pout & be moody & be passive aggressive.” Yes, that was not the highlight of my Emotional Maturity. It was also not the first time.
I popped out of it a wee bit more quickly than I have in the past. Kudos to me. However, when you’re the mother of a little sweet child, it does seem very immature to be pouting around the house because “things are going the way I want them to!”
Luckily Chetana was in view most of the time which kept me from behaving in a keenly Emotionally Immature manner. However, it didn’t prevent the full show from happening.
Just this morning I was reading Sri Sri’s analogy of life being like a film. There is only one light that projects through the film images and depending on what’s on the film, that’s what we see – a villain or a hero, etc. It’s remembering that it’s all the same light or consciousness just playing different roles. That image helped bounce me back a bit. Now I’m just lolly-gagging in “woe is me. I did it again. I said I wouldn’t and I did.”