Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day Two: I am Delicious!

With my eyes I am seeing this computer screen. But, it’s really the mind that through these eyes is seeing.  The scenery pulls me outward and my journey is inward.
Sri Sri says it is through the senses that we get pulled outward. He directs us to come back to the center. How?

Right now I see the computer screen. Now, become aware of the eyes that are seeing. Now become aware of that which is behind the eyes that is seeing. Like that we come back to the self… back to the self.

It is now the scenery that is delicious. It is us who is delicious. The “taste” of that deliciousness is triggered by that which is seen. We get stuck in attaching the “delicious” with that thing out there. When we come back to our Self again and again we see we are delicious!

The example Sri Sri gives is of the deer which runs through the woods looking for the source of the delicious musk that it smells not realizing that the musk scent comes from its own navel.

Coming back to our delicious, peaceful, joyous, beautiful Self… again and again.