Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 2: Annoyed with Annoyed

Day 2:
4:46 PM & again at 5:54 PM
Chetana is squirming away from me as I’m doing what I can to sweetly & lovingly & firmly assert that it’s time for milk. New look at an old saying: “you can bring a baby to milk, but you can’t make her drink.” The more she squirms, the more annoyed I’m feeling. And “annoyed” seems to be snowballing itself into more & more annoyed and less and less patient. There’s nothing to do here but to let her be and know that she’ll not starve & she’ll drink when she is ready.

What a Light-bulb-“aha!”-moment!
When I shine light on this scene I see something I wasn’t aware of. I am not annoyed with Chetana at all in these moments. She’s just acting from innocence and doing what her body needs to do in the moment. Then what am I annoyed with? This is it: The feelings that arise in me when things aren’t going “my way” are annoying! And I resist them. And, what I resist persists. Can I be the witness to these experiences, emotions, sensations, feelings? Can I just allow them to be – without aversion nor craving. Again and again coming back to this knowledge. As we say in our Art of Living family – Jai Gurudev! Victory to the Wise & Playful Big Mind! Yahoo! Jai Gurudev!