Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 7 : Manana – The Week in Review

1:23 PM
Well, is it working? I figure I should check-in on the wisdom gained this week and see if it’s sticking. Manana is the “chewing” of the knowledge in the mind - going back again & again to the knowledge. Let’s chew!

Wisdom, Where for Art Thou?
Day 1: Being with What Is: I give myself an A+ (I love A+’s!) for keeping cool when the mind has said, “Oh no! This is a problem.” Even this very moment Chetana is contemplating napping (I hear chattering) rather than napping and I’m calm, cool, collected. What will be, will be. And we’ll move on.

Day 2: Annoyed with Annoyed: Oh, I’ll give myself another A+. (I’m so sweet.) Yes, I am aware of having observed the sensations of rising-up “annoyed” in my body and not getting hooked into being annoyed. I am the witness. Koo Koo Kachoo.

Day 3:Unplugging to Plug in: Oh, is there something bigger than an A+? Give it to me! I’ve been really good about stop, drop & roll into meditation to get centered when I’ve got the fever to Go! Go! Go! and am being just a jumpin’ jack of getting nowhere.

Day 4: Speak Slowly & Listen: Another A+ moment. (Is the grader biased? Perhaps a wee bit.) But, I did! I have slowed way down and stopped myself many times from thinking “Oh, I know what I’ll say next. Me next! Me next!” and instead dropped the thoughts to listen. Pause. Respond. It’s Revolutionary!

Day 5: Feelin’ Hip!: Hmmm, I’ll give myself an B for this one. Not for what you may think. I noticed in re-spotlighting that moment that I was a bit more rajastic / antsy and not so saatvic/centered. I do get credit, though, for checking the Prana chart again & again. This is a great example of Manana - Chewing the Knowledge has pushed me to go deeper into understanding. Does that make my B a B+? Oh, sure.

Day 6: Icky in the Belly = Icky in the Mind: Oh, indeed I get an A here – although, not an A+. I have been cooking fresh, healthy, veggies. However, I know my potential is greater than what I’ve been doing. Good show. More to go!

And that is the week in review.