Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 5: Feelin' Hip!

8:42 AM
I’m smiley. I feel “up to the moon.” I get where the saying “on cloud 9” comes from because I feel E X P A N D E D to the clouds. JOY! When happy we feel expanded. And when sad – contracted. Well, label me Joy!

Wisdom Here?
Indeed! Good to check in & make note of what pushed my Prana (life force energy) up. I do this check in usually when I’m spiraling down in moods. But, here’s a chance to look at “up.” I’ll walk you through my formula:

Fist Step: Ask myself, “Is my Prana high? Or low?”
Low Prana = Tired, negative thoughts coming up, low moods, depressed, annoyed with every little thing (even before they happen), snappy, etc.
High Prana = Energized, feeling alive!, Positive thoughts bubbling up, happy, content, sweet, "oh, it's ok," etc.

Second Step: Take Action by checking in with the Prana Chart 

Prana Check-in Chart  
The 4 Sources of Energy/Prana
Check in
Food & Water
Did I eat well? Fresh foods in the right amounts? Am I hydrated?
*Eat something healthy. *Drink some water.
Sleep / Activity
Did I get 8 hours of sleep? Am I exercising? Doing enough yoga?
*Go to sleep earlier. *Take a walk. *Ride the exercise bike. *Do yoga!
Am I taking full breaths? Or am I shallow breathing in the chest & not the lower lungs?
*Do pranayama – yogic breathing!
e.g., Alternate nostril breathing, or some good long, slow breaths from the belly.  
Calm, Meditative Mind
Have I been honoring my meditations by giving myself enough time & a good place to do them? Am I in the company of folks who uplift me?
*Go hang out with people who are saatvic – centered, loving, in joy & celebration. *Read wisdom-filled words of the wise & get a new perspective.

So, what was it for me that raised my Prana? I added in an excellent yoga class the day before. But, most of all? I started this blog and that has kept my head in “inquiry” and “wonder”! I'm giving myself a Calm, Cool Meditative Mind = Fabu!