Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 8: “Sorry Starbucks. No work for you here.”

5:?? AM
“What time is it?....Are you sure?...Is it really?”
That’s the way I woke up this morning. Well, first to Chatie’s little “I’m up!” sounds. Very sweet. But, I was still tired. Couldn’t quite get my eyes to open. And, I’m on duty as Chatie’s first stop in the morning is me – Breakfast! Yes, I don’t need to be fully awake for her to enjoy her milk, but from there it’s a climbing fest and there’s no sleeping through that. How to get these peepers to open? Coffee? It’s forever given me the shakes. So, I haven’t had a caffeinated drink more than once or twice in my life. This morning I’m looking for a quick wake-me-up. What to do?

Sukshma yoga! Fingertips to scalp and massage! Thumb & index finger gently pinching eyebrows and run the fingers straight out towards the temples. One finger around the bottom of the eye – under the eye socket. Gently, yet energetically massage the jaw. Tug the earlobes down. Pull the top of the ears straight up. Pull straight out on the ears. Feet! Arms, legs. Quick. Vigorous. Lovingly. 2 minutes was all I had before Chetana needed a climbing hand. It worked. All smiles! Yippee!